JUNE WEBINAR OF THE REFUGEE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE NETWORK SERIES: Vicarious Traumatization, Stress, and Psychological Resilience: Working with Refugee, Immigrant, and Internally Displaced Populations

JOIN the JUNE WEBINAR OF THE REFUGEE MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCE NETWORK SERIES: Vicarious Traumatization, Stress, and Psychological Resilience: Working with Refugee, Immigrant, and Internally Displaced Populations Elizabeth Carll, PhD, and Rick Williamson, PhD Friday, June 22, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Eastern Register at https://divisions.wufoo.com/forms/q870oes0ubu4ii/ This webinar is eligible for 1 CE credit Division 56 is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 56 maintains responsibility for this program and its content. For registration questions, contact Sonja Wiggins, MBA, APA Division Services Office, at swiggins@apa.org or 202-336-5590. CEs No CEs Div. 56, 35, 52, 55, 34, 39, 42, 46, NYSPA, GPA, WSPA $15 Free (but must still register via link) Non-Members $25 Free (but must still register via link) Students $5 Free (but must still register via link) Professionals and staff members who provide treatment to traumatized individuals including refugees and vulnerable populations are at risk of developing, burnout, secondary traumatic stress and/or vicarious traumatization, and potentially debilitating stress symptoms. Despite the preponderance of skills-focused training available to professionals, little attention is given to the psychological hazards of their work in trauma contexts. As a result, there can be significant impact on mental health professionals and staff that can include a host of physical and psychological symptoms similar to those experienced by untreated trauma survivors. The first portion of the webinar will be introductory remarks and an update for participation in the Refugee Mental Health Resource Network followed by the presentation on the stress and psychological demands associated with the provision of services in settings addressing the experiences of refugee, and immigrant populations and internally displaced persons (IDP). Compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious traumatization can diminish a professional’s capacities for effectiveness over time and lead to decreased wellbeing, exhaustion, and lack of purpose in their professional roles. Information on trauma informed care, and on stress and psychological resilience, as well as mindfulness techniques as applied to care providers will be discussed. Helping professionals to identify ways to promote their own psychological resilience as well as encourage a collective responsibility to foster health and wellbeing within service agencies will also be presented. For those interested in participating in the Refugee Mental Health Resource Network, please contact RefMHResNetwk2@optimum.net

Friday, June 22, 2018, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Eastern Register at https://divisions.wufoo.com/forms/q870oes0ubu4ii/

DACA Webinar

Hi all, 

We would like to invite everyone to our first webinar next week regarding  the current state of DACA and the role of universities in supporting DACA-recipient students. See the description below and attached flyer for bios on each of our speakers. 

Our panelists include the Executive Director, Maria Blanco, and the Managing Attorney, Rachel Ray of the University of California Immigrant Services Center and the Assistant Vice-Provost for Student immigration related legal services at University of Illinois at Chicago.

The call will be next Tuesday, June 5th 1-2:30pm easternJoin us at:  https://zoom.us/j/299504628    

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Fabricio & Kevin

Description:  The Immigrant Justice Interest Group Committee is proud to invite you to our first Webinar regarding the current status of DACA students, their future options and what we can Universities do to help. As you know, the current legal battle is uncertain and we want to engage in a thoughtful conversation with a panel of experts to enhance our understanding of the current situation and the choices we may have.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To learn about current litigation regarding DACA
  2. Discuss proposed legislation
  3. Review the options available to DACA recipients
  4. Identify ways in which faculty and community psychologists could help

Overview of Asylum Law and Procedure


“Overview of Asylum Law and Procedure”

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN) and the Equal Justice Works (EJW) invite you to a free webinar, “Overview of Asylum Law and Procedure,” on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 2:00 pm Eastern / 1:00 pm Central / 12:00 pm

Mountain / 11:00 am Pacific.

The panelists will give an overview of asylum law and general procedure for affirmative applications. They will briefly cover criminal issues and strategies for state court, using New York as an example. The panelists are Sarah Brenes, Director of Refugee & Immigrant Program, The Advocates for Human Rights; Conor Gleason, Supervising Immigration Attorney, The Bronx Defenders; and, Christine Lin, Directing Attorney, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) – California and Senior Staff Attorney, CGRS.

To register for this free webinar, visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5246706050478462977. Your registration will generate an automatic email with details on how to join the webinar.

If you have questions, please email us at support@immigrationadvocates.org.

We hope that you will join us,
Immigration Advocates Network ​
